Lux meets his childhood friend Philuffy "Phi" Aingram, the Headmistress's sister, making Lishe jealous. When the female students learn Lux is a handyman they swamp him with requests, including Krulcifer Einfolk who wants him to find the Black Hero. Lux later wakes up to Phi in his bed, claiming she is his roommate. Lishe repairs Lux's broken white sword before explaining that as her father had been leader of the coup d'état she was kidnapped and branded as proof she was the Empire's property. When the Black Hero won the war Lishe replaced her dead father as Princess of Atismata and her brand was kept secret. An Abyss appears and Lishe takes a team to kill it. The Abyss is being controlled with the horn whistle by Ragreed Forus, a former Knight still loyal to the Arcadia Empire. He overwhelms Lishe and reminds her he was the one who branded her. Lux arrives and unsheathes his black sword, transforming into a black Drag-Ride, revealing himself as the Black Hero. He easily destroys the Abyss and kills Ragreed with his ability to move at super speed. Airi laments her brother is not a hero, he is the "Weakest Undefeated" who betrayed his own Empire.